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Symbolism of Mursala – Colour of 2023

The Colour of The Year 2023 – Mursala is sophisticated, peaceful and calming, impressing with its sensation of restoration inspired by the power of Mother Earth and the magical impact of one of the nature’s most precious treasures – herbs. This is the reason why we dedicated the name of The Colour of This Year to one of the most miraculous herbs in Bulgaria – Mursala tea, not only because of its unique healing effects, but also because of the mysticism and the romance that the legend brings about it. 

According to popular belief, Mursala tea is found on the slopes of the Mount of Mursalitsa in the Rhodope Mountains, where the mythical Rhodope musician Orpheus once passed. The herb thrives where Orpheus’ tears fell down when he was searching for his beloved Eurydice. Thus, in the place of his hot tears fell, one of the most powerful medicinal plants known to our lands began to evolve. People said that Mursala tea has magical properties and that it heals everything. The soft, elegant and cocooning shade of “Mursala” will also bring such an effect to your space as well.

A beautiful green and grey colour combination, mixed with little tints of blue and more of white, “Mursala” is a vibration that gives birth to organic life in interior design and fascinates with its perception of depth, infinity and freedom of spirit.

“Mursala” is a colour element, which suggests vitality, freshness and lightness, helping us to enhance the way we perceive the space around us, enabling us to experience the diverse qualities of our home. At the same time, “Mursala” is a colour that will bring us back to enjoy the precious energy of life, connecting us with nature through its eye-catching combinations with warm vibrant colours on the one hand and with materials in natural shades on the other hand.

This is a trend that brings back the natural look, spreading in almost every area of our lifestyle, being revealed in the clothes that we wear, in the materials and workmanship of our furniture, in our attitudes and preferences toward healthier food options, even in our choice of ingredients of household cleaning products that we use.

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