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BejaVu – Colour of 2021

Symbolism of BejaVu

Openness to change, fulfilment, hope and optimism for a better life

The colour BejaVu is captured in the gentle shades of beige, its general symbolism being related to the fundamentals, the basis (saturated by all the shades of brown), the calmness and stability. This colour symbolizes our need for peace, resilience, connecting with the Earth – nourishing and enlightening. Should we look more closely at the colours it contains, feelings of optimism and hope (invoked by the yellow colour), of vitality (invoked by the barely touching hues of the red colour), of trust (invoked by the blue colour, almost invisible) will emerge. It emanates an ethereality and light achieved by the milkiness and magic of the white, which is the colour of purity, of prosperity, of faith, of transition (on the edge between the visible and invisible), of the dawn and luck, of wisdom. We hope that BejaVu will bring more balance and calmness to our homes, but also will fill us with optimism and vitality.”

Assoc. Prof. Albena Pavlova, PhD

New Bulgarian University



BejaVu is a colour that fills us with hope. We want to benefit and feel good even in the situation of quarantine or home office. Our reversed soul is seeking a support in the eclecticism, a comfort in the familiar, as if for a moment it goes back in time to experience something good, again… The sensation of “Déjà vu” actually helps us to turn our backs on fears and insecurities over the turbulent year 2020 and step into 2021, which will be a year of hope, of new beginnings in every sense of the word. The play on words for “the eerie sense of having previously experienced a situation or event” combines the need that is common to all trends – to be opened to change, to illuminate ourselves with hope and optimism, to to gain our inspiration on a better life.


BejaVu - for warm and cosy atmosphere in the home

This colour can mix easily, evoking a feeling of warmth and charm

Начинът, по който изглежда домът ни и всичко, което слагаме в него, изразява отношението към нас самите и към най-близките ни хора. Интериорът е изразно средство, което внася настроение в ежедневието, а възможностите за трансформиране на дома, които БежаВю разкрива в комбинации, са разнообразни и благодатни за работа, както за професионалисти, така и за любители.

БежаВю е нов прочит на най-използвания и харесван от българите бежов нюанс, който неминуемо ще ни връща към топлината на спомена по нещо „вече преживяно“ и същевременно ще отключи спокойствието и силата ни да продължим смело напред. Бежовият нюанс може да бъде използван във всяка стая: детска стая, хол и дори офис, като има способността да разширява пространството.